Why Are Some People Left Handed

Why Are Some People Left Handed

Why Are Some People Left Handed. The reason behind left handedness and cross dominance (ambidexterity) has been explored quite often in attempts to gather left handed facts. Left handed people are rare as only 10% of the world share this gift. Reading Scientific facts about left handed people is interesting. Per ScienceAlert, the first thing to know is that this 10 percent ratio is fixed the world over, giving credence to the idea of a genetic basis for handedness. Several studies involving twins have shown that 25 percent of handedness can be explained by a person's genes.

Here's Why Some People Are Left-Handed, According to Science

For left-handed people, the world probably seems like an unfair place. From scissors to power saws to sporting equipment, most things just aren't designed for them. And it wasn't long ago that many lefties were forced to eat and write with their righ
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