How Left Handedness Happens Before You Are Born

How Left Handedness Happens Before You Are Born

How Left Handedness Happens Before You Are Born. Research carried out by Sebastian Ocklenburg, Judith Schmitz, and Onur Gunturkun from Ruhr University Bochum, along with other colleagues from the Netherlands and South Africa, found that gene activity in the spinal cord was asymmetrical in the womb and could be what decides whether someone will be a leftie or a righty.

Left Handed? It's All Because Of What Happened Before You Were Born

However, strange as it may seem, the real reason you're left-handed may have more to do with your spine than your brain.

Research carried out by Sebastian Ocklenburg, Judith Schmitz, and Onur Gunturkun from Ruhr University Bochum, along with other colleagues from the Netherlands and South Africa, found that gene activity in the spinal cord was asymmetrical in the womb and could be what decides whether someone will be a leftie or a righty.

Limb movements begin in the motor cortex before being sent as a signal to the spinal cord which then translates them into motions.

What the researchers found was that babies can already make movements and have a favorite hand before the brain and the spinal cord have had a chance to connect.


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