Are Left Handed People Discriminated Against?
Are Left Handed People Discriminated Against? There’s a lot of research into what left-handed people are and are not: studies suggest they are more intelligent, more inhibited, more skilled at fighting – and, of course, there’s the ancient superstition that lefties are evil – the word ‘sinister’ comes from the Latin for ‘left’. Despite this, and the overwhelming (and scientific) evidence that lefties are amazing, some activists are suggesting there a clear lack of awareness in society that leaves some people within these groups left behind their peers.
Dealt A Weaker Hand: How Left Handers Suffer DiscriminationCampaign groups insist left handed children are being penalized in the classroom and that due to a lack of awareness many children’s educations are being stifled by a problem that could be easily fixed.
They say failure to accommodate lefties creates a vicious circle of lower marks and lower self-esteem, resulting in an inequality later in life.
Mark Watson, with his wife Heather, run a campaign group and shop for left-handers called Left n’ Write, and have called for a change to the national curriculum, among other things, to help address the issue.
He told RightsInfo: “There’s a bit in [the national curriculum] on handwriting which is statutory so schools have got to do it, and underneath that there’s a bit which says left handers should have appropriate guidance and that is non-statutory.”
“It’s as though they thought ‘handwriting is really important’ so we’d better include left-handers but not make it statutory. [Nick Gibb, Minister of State for Schools] wasn’t willing at the time to make it statutory.”
How do we tackle it?
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