Guess who's a lefty? One of the greatest comedians on both the small and big screen, Tim Allen is left handed! I have him listed on our Famous Left Handed Comedians and Comediennes list, but I thought he should have his...
Another lefty to add to our left handed celebrities catalog. Adam Levine is left handed! This guy is amazing. I adore him on The Voice. He's just so adorable and his cool personality just makes him even more adorable. Maroon...
Another great left find. Iggy Azalea is left handed! How awesome is that. I love Iggy's music even more than I love her cool name. You know what'll be cool? Is if Iggy and my girl Cardi B collaborated in...
Historically left-handedness was seen as a curse. The word “left” has long been associated with wrongness or deviance –as leftness derives from the Latin word “sinister”, meaning on the left-hand side. The fear of leftness has its roots in the...
Handedness is a preference for using one hand over the other for fine motor tasks, asuch as throwing a ball or writing. Only 10% of the world's population is left handed. The rest are righties. That's why most things are made for...
So this one question has been flooding in like crazy! Our lefties are "Crazy in Love" with Beyonce and wondering if she's left handed, but no Beyonce is not left handed. She's right handed. Oh how I wish this chic...